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Steps in the dark.
Imagine a prodigal figure with no good word for it.
Life book,
street barbarian...
faint specter of that human being,
without any ideas walking in the night...
I give it the most valuable,
I give it my thoughts and words...
It's rigid steps are fascinating me,
There is some mystery,
attractive mystery for the poet's soul of the young sufferers.
The rythm of his feet reveal the darkness inside his soul.
His head bowed down,
body assambled,
reveal his deep suppressed sadness,
reveal his broken heart and his poor mind.
But he doesn't stop,
he keeps on going,
some evil, invisible hand is guiding him.
Every made step,
every approach to the street light,
reveals the evil on his face,
it reveals his morbidity,
However I feel sorry for him,
I feel sorry for his past and present,
I pray for his future.
Every step is a new story,
new chronicle,
new uproar at this deaf time.
The words are coming,
the steps louder and louder are tearing apart the silent night,
they destroy the peacfull dream,
leaving ripples in the human's peaceful soul... 
And so on,
to the corner of the street,
I pray for him to hurry,
to disappear from my sight,
too much darkness,
too much burden he carries,
I can't stand him anymore,

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