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The Lay of Dörthe Bärentöter
I Would Kyr, but they are both dead, for...centuries, so I thank you for having combined so well their styles!

As for Lord Barentoter what can I say? another great and powerful character you created, with that 'Kyrios' style we all like so much, at least I do.
To be simple is to be great
*Hugs Fenix* Thank you dear, I'm pleased to be able to make something that you like. They are both dead, but their work still inspires and their innovations continue to shape poetry, its a shame we can't thank them for that in person.
Like all the GREAT people, the ones that leave a mark in this world, the body dies but the work LIVES forever, to inspire the next generations, it's valid for poetry, for painting, for music, for every forms of art!!
And why is a shame? there's nothing we can do about it! just to remember them, use their knowledge, their 'style', is the best compliment we can make to their memory.
To be simple is to be great
Absolutely. *Smiles.*

I'm now trying to decide what the next story should be about (Still going to be about Dorthe)

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