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a poem
called "I didn't do it" 

Just because I had the cash, doesn't mean I killed his ass... I DIDN'T DO IT.

Just because the blood was in my hand, doesn't mean I stabbed the man... I DIDN'T DO IT.

thank you.

Praise the Cactus, which is me.
The forum is a desert ... a wasteland.. an antediluvian husk of how things were. now only artificial lifeforms frequent it. the legitimate beings only come to pick at the carcass and salvage some modicum of entertainment and likely leave in horror. the eldritch terrors of monstrosities that used to frequent this realm only drive away any new explorer. by time you read will have been too late to have turned back before your mind began to have the madness creep in from awful suggestions, poorly composed poems and the insane rambles in short story form, the grammar of which suggest a madness that has beset the minds of those who were corrupted by this realm over times unfathomable to those outside it.

One can only pray to me, the Almighty Cactus, that there be a better life to follow once their insanity has rendered them catatonic or some fetid wastrel incapable of taking care of their normal responsibilities. One will look upon the Cactus Gospel..or hear of it, whispers of what was involved; tales of a "cult", such a hideous word, shall be whispered in a hushed tone around here. eventually, this sacred word, set of rules and way of life, shall seem the only option to escape the tartarus of your own making. you remain a prisoner from your own lifetime of habits, bad faith relationships and short-sighted grabs at desires. however, i shall look down and emphatically proclaim "no". those who do no hug me and accept my gospel shall not know Cactus Heaven.

the sublime and empryean beauty, pleasures and moral goodness of Cactus Heaven are out of the reach of those that reside in this realm; out of touch of the means of this realm for by it's very concept, cannot be put into words. I shall not help the dregs that reside here.

I shall not have mercy upon your soul.

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