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  Jobs/Works and Characters in game
Posted by: MaryJenkins - 01-31-2016, 02:53 AM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (2)

Jobs & Games
I wish I would have jobs for money but with in small time and small money like 25 dolar.I dreamed in bar vodka we could bartender or pole dancer (pole dancer have sex scene) or another jobs. In Lagoon we could be an ice creamer or lifeguard (lifeguard have sex scene). In Wildwest i magined a shoting game and prizes is money and womans

There is soo sexy and beautiful characters in game. I just want them totally fuckable. Madam Olivia or Museum employee or Twin CowGirls or Receptionists and others
Street Hustler need another item and I want Hustler tradeable with items or a sex

*Olivia (totaly btch) wants money from you for sex
*Receptionists and Museum employee need items to fuck (like roses, flowers or horny drops)

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Posted by: pinky2423 - 01-31-2016, 12:16 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (21)

when is the new update going to be Smile iv been waiting for a new up date for like new out fits and stuff.

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  MonsterGirlHunter: MGH Setting (WIP)
Posted by: TheShadoek - 01-30-2016, 05:30 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (2)

(WIP) MonsterGirlHunter

Simple enough. You are a Bounty Hunter, and you, more often than not, hunt down monsters via contracts to earn your everyday life. These monsters are all but monstergirl versions of the original franchise's creatures. Sometimes the hunts are more important however, and your village's well being is at stake. Others... You might as well just be horny and take an errand of a material collection mission as a excuse.

In order to "fight" with the Monsters, hunters equip themselves with a variety of medicines and trinkets to gain the upperhand on the, otherwise, far stronger beings. These items include; Potions to refill their stamina, food to replenish their endurance, drinks to become resilient to the elements, diverse traps and bombs to make things easier, and several other things. But the most important has to be a seed of endowment. This seed allows the hunter to grow and shape their genitalia as a weapon captable of "taking out" the monsters, and can be enchanted by a specialist, using the essence of said monsters.

You are to "subdue" the monster girls then, using your weapon. Yet beware, the monsters themselves have their own ace below their sleeves.

*The Seeds Of Endowment
These seeds are fairly common thing to find in the wild, or grow at home, and they come in six shapes, it's a tradition to eat it before the hunt starts, and they all have a different effect. Said effect is permanent until a second seed is consumed, which overrides and cancels the first seed completely.

-The biggest kind makes your penis grow to an inhuman degree, some say the size can cuadriplicate even, people call the ones that prefer this seed Greatsword users. 
-The longest kind is a lenght boost to ridiculous measures, even longer than the big one, yet lacking the thickness augment, for that matter, those who eat this are called Spear users. 
-There is a seed that has a thicker base, shaped more phallic than the rest, this one makes both, the user's cock and balls to swell several inches larger. This one is callled the Sword and Shield seed.
-A sligtly odd-shaped seed exists, and it makes hunters grow balls so big it becomes difficult to walk. This one is the hammer seed, also nicknamed Tanuki seed.
-There is the rare ocassion when two seeds are born attached to eachother, but worry not, for this is normal. The hunter that eats it will grow another cock, before gaining a couple of inches on each of their twin masts, akin to the growth of the sword and shield seed, minus the testicles. Those hunters will be rightfully refered as Dual Swords.
-The final seed kind is somewhat long, but it's most promienent feature is that it reeks with sweet and flowing nectar. Legend says you have to let an insect drink it's nectar before you eat it. Upon doing this, both, you and the insect will have changed. The manhood grows thick and long, but not as thick or long as the seeds that claim those size records, however it also becomes ever-flowing with nectar-like precum. The insect will have become a kinsect, gain a petite but femenine shape, and be always mounted on your manhood, sipping from it. The kinsect is your companion for life, and will attack if you command it. These hunters are known as the Insect Glaive hunters.

A seed speciallist exist in every village, and if you bring him the materials he requests, he'll enhance them for a small fee. Enhancing gives different effects to your weapon, however, the fundamental effect of the seed always remains.

*Monster Ecology Encyclopedia
The general behavior of an individual of certain species. The Ecology Encyclopedia gives a brief decription of their physical appearance and a bref explaination of their habits, their weaknesses and points to beware. Please read ahead, unexperienced hunters, and arm yourselves with the mightiest weapon: Knowledge.

Race: Lynian.
Diet: Omnivorous.
Very humanoid catgirls, only distinguishable from actual humans due to a pair of cat ears and a short bushy tail, as well as fur on the limbs and five-fingered paws instead of hands. 

Short in height and petite in build, they are the most intelligent race of monsters in existance. Some even form part of human society in high aristocratic positions. 

Often they are seen serving a hunter as companions and aidees or as cooks, their ambitions matching those of that gladly accept them, and there is no wonder to it. Due to their intelligence and loyalty, they are very handy companions to hire for a hunter. Their able to use any kind of tools and gather objects, and by consequence, be an important supporting part in a mission, is a large relief.

In the wild, they have bases and settlements and they are indifferent at the presence of humans. But if you attack them, prepare to be sent flying with a barrage of barrel bombs in response.

Race: Lynian.
Race: Omnivorous.
Pestering cousins of the Felyne. They sport a linage of black and white fur, and tend to be treacherous thieves. Do not turn your back on them, because they will rob you off your objects, one item at the time. They get are innately drawn to you when they smell a Felvyne, and will prioritize it over anything they may have stolen.

When they flee, they tend to leave their stolen goods, so it's adviced that you retaliate if you were robbed.

Melynx adapted to human society do exist, however, and they behave very much like their relatives. Although bad habits hardly die...

Race: Dromerian Carnivore.
Diet: Strictly Carnivore.
Velociprey are fast and nimble carnivores that attack in packs. Their body complexion varies among individuals, however it is most common for them to bear a flat-chested appearance. 

Their bodies are partially covered in blue scales, color that they share with their hair, and they also have a black stripped pattern on their backs. A black crest-like markling on their heads along with a lizard-like tail growing from their rears. With long and very sharp raptor-like claws instead of hands and feet, they are the first thing you'd have to be aware of when you go hunting, or collecting eggs.

The whole group of them is led by an exceptionally large and poweful individual of the species. This one has a red crest amd a large, crimson middle claw. That individual is denomidated the Velocidrome.

They share everything, but the amount of benefits an individual of the pack gets is directly equivalent to their position in the hierarchy. Inconformities and fights are no rare among the lower ranks, though they all respect and fear their leader.

Velociprey Subspecies (Giaprey, Genprey, Ioprey.)
Race: Dromerian Carnivore.
Diet: Strictly Carnivores.
Due to their similarities appeareance and behaviour-wise all the Velociprey subspecies are going to be denominated by the differences instead. 

Giaprey.- are Dromerian Carnivores that adapted to live in very cold climates like the snowy mountains. They look very alike the velociprey, however, the blue tone of their scales is slightly thinner, their crests are blue and their leader, the Giadrome's, crest color is deep blue. They can spit a chilling icy liquid that can freeze you, if you are hit enough times.

Genprey.- Dromerian Carnivores adapted to the life on the heated desert, their color is similar to the desertic camouflage, and they lack large crests, instead they have two small ones atop of their eye sockets. To hunt, they have developed a paralyzis neurotoxin that injects form their fangs. Their leader, the Gendrome is simply a larger version of them.

Ioprey.- Dromerian Carnivores that adapted themselves to live in the poisonous swamp. Their scales are smooth like a serpent's and their color is a livid blood crimson, their crest covers the whole head. They can spit a dangerous poison from their mouths, mortal unless treated in case of the Iodrome.

Yian Kut-ku
Race: Bird Wyvern.
Diet: Insects, Fruit, Crustaceans.
Yian Kut-ku are odd creatures to look at. Sporting scales of extremely contrasting and vivid pink, and blue-colored wing webbing as well as yellow hair with a tint of red. It's a bird wyvern very hard not to spot for a hunter, wherever the area they currently inhabit is. And their overall body balance is terrible, so they often fall over as they finish a rush, uncaptable of stopping via conventional ways.

Their body complexion is small and reminds of a pettite girl, but with unusually round features. Their hips are rather wide and their breasts are a nice C-to-D cup. Their upper body is mostly naked, the only protection is a pair of conch-like scales that covers their breasts. Their arms are evolved to be and act like a pair of small draconian wings, enabling them some proper flight captabilities. Their legs, a pair of scaly lizard-like feet with some extra-hard conch scales on the areas of her hips and knees. They have large, fan-like ears sensitive to loud noises like explosions and eyes sensitive to light flashes, and a long tail on their rears.

Yian Kut-ku are very curious by nature, and not very aggressive, but if you make them angry, you may repent. They can, however, be domesticated, and grow fond and attached to a owner that treats them well, very fast.

Finally, they can sometimes launch a ball of fire as an attack, and even though they have vocal cords captable of doing it, they lack a roar attack. Most likely because it would also stun themselves in the process.

Yian Garuga
Race: Bird Wyvern.
Diet: Meat, Small Animals, Fish.
A distant relative species of the Yian Kut-ku. Their appearance and complexion is very much alike that of their cousins, however, one must be wary and never confuse the two of them, for the differences among them can mean the difference between an easy victory and utter defeat, for a hunter.

Garuga have a pale purple skin color, their bodies are covered with incredibly tough, deep purple scales, and their wings have green webbing. Their mane is conformed by gorgeous silver hair with a mark of purple, instead of yellow and red. And their ears are shorter, immune to loud noises unlike the sentive ears of a Kut-ku.

They are very dangerous Bird Wyverns. Highly aggressive, highly territorial. Very intelligent. They know how to avoid all sorts of traps, and are known for their ear-splitting roars. Their tails also have a trio of glaive-like poisonous stingers which they'll gladly use to defend themselves and attack intruders. They can breathe several balls of fire at the same time, and are very nimble while in the air. Their stamina and balance is excellent too.

It's considered almost a joke among hunters however, it's said that the ultimate challenge is to domesticate a Yian Garuga. Needless to remind but, everyone that has tried has failed, for these are rather lonesome and highly aggressive monsters.

Race: Piscine Wyvern.
Diet: Meat.
Amazingly evolved creatures with the capacity of burrowing and swimming through the sand. Their appearance brings to mind hammerhead sharks, as they have bow-shaped crests on their heads that help them easily breakthrough the resistance opposed by the granulous soil they live in. They also have the innate trait of a very sharp hearing that allows them to detect prey from underground, but just as it is sharp, it's sensitive. It is always worth noting however, that in contrast, their sight power has been significantly dulled.

Much like all wyverns, Cephalos evolved wings on their arms. Unlike all other types of wyvern, piscines exchanged these wings for fins, fins that they use to effectively swim through water, or sand, at high speeds. Cephalos specifically also evolved smooth amber scales and hair that can easily blend in with the sand, to camouflage themselves with the envoriment, as well as hinder the resistance given by the sand.

Like all piscine wyvern, Cephalos have webbed, fish-like claws for legs, a dorsal fin on their backs and a tailfin at the end of their long tails. Unlike other piscine, said tail is conformed by not bones but cartilage, just like that of sharks.

Their body complexion is not petite, nor voluptuous. But somewhere amid those two grounds. It's worth noting, however, that their... 'Rears' are always pleasant to look at.

Cephalos live in packs, and are led by a leader, a tougher of their kind known as the Cephadrome. With darker scales that are like sand paper, and a greater, more generous frame. A fang that leaks a sleep poison, plus a paralizyng spike hidden on it's dorsal fin. The Cephadrome is a great match for any begginner hunter to attempt and slay.

They are also very social wyverns. Their union seems to be equal, rather than led by a hierarchy, and play very well together their act to slay prey that is stronger than themselves. But that also means that their backs are not completely turned at the words of a hunter.

Race: Piscine Wyvern.
Diet: Fish, Meat, Frogs.
Great wyverns that have evolved to live and swim in water, exchanging the wings that gave them the able to fly for giant fins to swim at high speeds. Plesioth share the same basic attributes that all other piscine. Many fins thoughout their bodies, including a dorsal fin that enables them to change directions quickly, fish-like scales in place of lizard ones and very developed hearing organs to hear the vibrations of a possible prey in land. However, Plesioth are remarkably more similar to fish than the rest of the piscine wyverns, both appearance-wise and body structure-wise. 

They can breathe inside of water due to their gills, yet their ability to breathe outside of water remains thanks to still having vestigial lungs.

They are very flexible on their habitats, being unaffected by cold or hot climates, they can also stand salt water, so as long as there is a body of water they can live there. Due to their evolutional changes, they are very tough and nimble when inside of water, and they opt to attack from there expelling extremely high-pressure water from their mouths rather than coming out to attack. Once they are furious however, they are known to propel out of the water like a projectile and attack with the somnolient poisonous spike that is found on the inferior fin of their tails.

Plesioth have smooth scales that form a plate-like mail that is very hard when wet, but once dry, they become rough yet lose their resistance and can be easily plucked off, one more reason why hunting them on the dry ground is far easier than underwater. They are sensitive to discharges and can be lured out of water using a frog as bait. They love the flavor of frogs over anything else, and will often venture out of their habitat just to eat them.

As for their body complexion, Plesioth are much like adult women, with well-developed features all around. They often have very long hair, however, most likely to help them keep the moisture if they ever venture out of water.

Race: Piscine Wyvern.
Diet: Moltern Lava, Carbonized Meat, Crustaceans.
Lavasioth are exceptional piscine wyverns, and as a result, their ecology is an utmost fascinating matter of study to researchers. Their body is very similar in structure to a coelacanth, having cosmoid scales that are captable of witstanding the extreme heat of the magma pools that are home to them as well as a double, vertebrated tail that helps to propulse themselves in the extremely thick rock liquid.

Lavasioth not only survive and live in magma, but mineral-rich moltern rocks conform their main source of nourishment, as well as defense. They live and bathe in active volcanic contents, so it's only natural that their bodies are covered by a layer of solidified minerals as a result of this. Said cover is very hard to get through, yet rather easy to demolish. Moreover, the moltern materials they consume that are not of any provision can be used by them like a breath attack, so one must be wary.

Just like Plesioth, Lavasioth have a well-developed complexion, however, they keep their hair short, as it is rather bothersome to have chunks of rocks stuck in one's hair.

It's not a secret that a hunter must keep away from them directly after they jump out of the lava if he doesn't want to get burned, although that is also their weakest point, when their mineral armor is weak and can be easily removed by a strong impact or force...

Daimyo Hermitaur
Race: Carapaceon.
Diet: Enriched Sand.
Said to be far off relatives of the hermit crab, carapaceon share the trait of having the urge to find larger homes as they grow. Hermitaur, then, most commonly carry giant keratin shells they made by themselves, but sometimes they are found living in the skull of very ancient monsters, now extinct and forgotten.

Hermitaur are apple-colored crab girls with a soft and chubby upper body and extremely strong, and hard pincers that act as shields or shovels. Very few things can pierce their defenses once they have adopted a curled stance and they can burrow themselves in the sand with frightening ease, sadly that also means that they cannot attack very well, and that they can be easily surprised by loud noises in the surface. However, more than one hunter has found himself very sore after an encounter with a Hermitaur and her frustrating defensive tactics.

The legs of all carapaceon might not seem like it, but they are very strong, and beyond supporting their heavy-looking bodies and shell, it can also launch them surprisingly high into the air, as well as enable them vertiginous lateral speed, the joints of these legs however, are not covered by a hard shell, and are very sensitive. Almost an erogenous zone to them, this of course, implies that a hunter agile enough can easily assault them for his own advantage.

Daimyo Hermitaur in specific, are mostly timid pacifists, and they won't attack a hunter even if he is aggressive on his advances, opting to block and hide. However, every patience has a limit, and if you bother them enough, you'll see the ugly side of their pincers and taste the pressurized bubblebeam of these crab girls.

Shogun Cenataur
Race: Carapaceon.
Diet: Enriched Volcanic Soil, Ashes.
The polar opposite of their cousins, the Hermitaur. Cenataur are blueberry-colored, highly aggressive crab girls, not tolerating any intruders on their territories, but they are also highly honorable. A hunter that enters their domains must beware, for he is likely to be forced to have a showdown against them even if all he wants is to pass through. Still, even though the intruder will be attacked, the Cenataur won't ever hit an unaware foe.

Their differences, however, are not limited only to moral values but abilities and appearance. They can hang off ceilings using their serrated pincers like glaives, and fire fierce beams of boiling bubbles from up there, as well as burrow much slower, with greater difficulty, ergo that is a measure only used when they want to flee. Their bodies are flat and well-toned. The sensitiveness of their unprotected limb joints, remains however.

They have a certain methodology on how they treat intruders; First they hail them, be it by dropping down from the rocky ceiling, or unbrrowing themselves from the floor, and then they raise their scythe-like pincers as they give out a screeching noise. The moment, the pincers are down, the battle has begun.

Shogun Cenataur appreciate strengh greatly, and if they are overtaken and bested by a hunter, is likely that they will respect him as a foe, and as a being, and let him proceed freely through their territories from now on. They might appear in front of a hunter once they have been beaten, however, seeking a rematch. But this time, the hunter can turn them down, for he is now someone of high importance. And a bond can be created with them on this manner.

A hunter that has defeated a Cenataur several times might find himself recognized by her as a superior, and thus, gain her as a follower. Their disposition then will change and they will become eager listeners, for they will see you as an example to follow in order to become stronger.

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  Salon Français
Posted by: Cath - 01-29-2016, 03:41 PM - Forum: Such a big, big world - Replies (57)

Hello! Cath's here!

   Voilà une endroit où vous pourrez parler, les dates de meeting devraient rester dans l'autre thread.

Bon jeu à tous!

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  Monster Girl Roleplays FAQ.
Posted by: TheShadoek - 01-29-2016, 03:46 AM - Forum: RP - Replies (19)

Ladies and Gentlemen, perhaps you have met or chatted with a character called MonsterGirlRP. Well, that character is of my ownership. And the purpose of this thread is to answer the common questions that always appear to pester the inbox of my account. Resulting in me not being able to reply or simply disregarding people, reached the point. As well as give a hindsight of what i'm up and willing to do.


Q.- What is a Monster Girl?
A.- A monster girl, in my vocabulary, is a woman with minor-to-high inhuman features that never cover her whole body. You might have come across them at least once in your lives, be it via a game, TV, or even a book. Mythological creatures like Mermaids are the prime example of a fairly inhuman monstergirl, whilist cat girls (that virtually look the same as a human, with only cat ears and a tail) are the borderline between human girl and monster girl.

The base and atractiveness of this trope is to meet with something inhuman, and thus, the monstergirls i roleplay as will not behave completely human-like or be completely accustomed to human mannerisms. You can expect a dog girl to sometimes walk on fours, be openly expressive, a hurtful loner, and bathe you with love and happyness (and a whole lot of drool) after you return home.

Q.- What Monster(Girl) are you?
A.- Up to you buddy. I roleplay based on what you are the most confortable with, what you want to see. If you don't know any monster girls you can tell me the name of a monster you like and i'll gladly turn it into a written description of it's humanized, female version. Heck, you can tell me an animal you like and i'll do it from there. 

Now, here, i am bad at making trivial choices. So if you ask me afterwards to do what i like, you are basically asking the same question twice. Please do not do that.

Q.- How does a Monster Girl/your roleplay work?
A.- It's a formal, text-only adventure that will develop as we both write. It can be short and simple, with no scenario or plot, but i find that tasteless. It doesn't have to go too deep either, so it can be as simple as a fate meeting: We both drinking in a bar, when we suddenly look at eachother and feel something flourish. 

Romance and emotional attachment from either side is completely optional.

Q.- Hi/Hello/How are you doing?
A.- Hi, i'm doing fine. Having a good time, chilling at some spot. If you could state your purpose/interest after that greeting, it would be rather pleasant.

Q.- What are you (or are not) into?
A.- I'm into too many things to ask or remember, but i am into one thing for sure. Monster Girls! So if you want to roleplay something that others might seem weird, don't be afraid to just ask. I'll reply appropriately.

I am not into violence, guro, vore, any type of play with body fluids or solids other than drool and (male and fem) cum, necro or zoophilia. I dislike BDSM, and i also dislike sexual tormenting. Please do not ask for those.

Q.- I'll do what you want.
A.- That is most unfortunate, because i wanted to do the same. Or you can take a look into the next section for a hint of what i'd like to try out at the moment and ask me for it.

The things i'd like to roleplay some day with someone.

MonsterGirlEncyclopedia by Kenkou Kurosu (Cross)
Is a wish-fulfillment setting where all monsters had undergone changes and they are now a purely female race, partially compatible with humans. It involves reverse rape, but rarely femdom, and spreads to a high number of fetishes with about 120 profiles of different Monstergirls to the day. I suggest you to check it out if you are getting started off in Monstergirls.

(WIP) MonsterGirlHunter
Perhaps those familiar at the franchise Monster Hunter know what i'm talking about when i say the setting of the games has a huge potential for Monster Girls. This is my take and attempt on doing it.

(Those are all the settings for now.)

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  Alternative Paying?
Posted by: MrDrake - 01-29-2016, 02:40 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (14)

Any other alternative paying methods? I don't think my bank likes CCbilling when I try to do direct with credit card. ;\

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  Vodka bar club
Posted by: Ajhot993 - 01-27-2016, 07:54 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (29)

Hello ladies and gentlman,my name is Aj,most of you know me from the game as an party member,social buterfly and etc,so lets cut to the chase,the main topic here is vodka bar,i'm working here for like 8 days and if you want a good place to hang out and get to know some ppl,this is the best spot in mnf,it's new,classy,got some good ideas and it's a good place to sit and talk with some ppl after a hard day at work,so stop by sometime and leave some tips to bartender,cheers and have fun. Wink Big Grin

Allso we need some ppl to rp as Dj's/poledancers,bartenders,waitreses,bouncers and security,so if you know some good folks that are good in rp spread the word for us,btw thank you all and i apreciate all help that i can get. xD

A quick update,well Vodka bar is up and runing everyday,so stop by,spend some time with us and leave some tips for a bartender,thank you good ppl,cheers and have fun. xD
We are still looking for some pro dancers,so if you know someone,or who is interested pm me,thank you.

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Brick The Kingdom of Shanti
Posted by: MeganRain - 01-27-2016, 06:46 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (21)

Many of you have probably seen the user im-an-a-roial-gard, we'll call him "roial gard" from now, on the Beaver Bash server before. He typically goes around asking if people are into roleplay and that he needs people to build a castle. In fact, the exact quote is "[role play]I'm trying to build my castle and I'd love you take part in it.Anyone who is interested send me a [personal]". 

A few days ago I wanted to follow him and see what it was all about. That all changed today. While I was minding my own business and having a few laughs with everyone (Seriously guys? Vagina bread?) in the alley, roial gard came in. I followed him on a hilarious journey that still has me laughing while I type this thread. I hope you all enjoy my first thread as I enjoyed making it. Without further adieu, here it is, the Kingdom of Shanti...


roial gard messages me to follow him to Metropolis. When I get there and I do not see him, I worry. Where could he have gone in those short moments? Was I not worthy enough? All the thoughts start racing through my head. He suddenly appears out of the bushes and asks me to follow him into the hotel. He escorts me up to the second floor where I set my eyes on the most beautiful kingdom in the world.

[Image: nX8aPda.png]

Of course, I'm a little underwhelmed at first but I really want to see where this goes. I was very much looking forward to building a castle after all! When I get there roial gard asks me to have a seat and he starts telling me about the Kingdom of Shanti.

[Image: kPNusiP.png]

[Image: u09kMPZ.png]

The moment roial gard starts telling me about the history of Shanti, Maria walks in. Could she be the contractor hired to build the castle? Or perhaps she is a higher up in the kingdom? I start to get nervous and my hands get tense thinking about the possibilities.

[Image: cRYGvdT.png]

Nope, she was just there looking to hook up with someone. I bet she was pretty surprised when she stumbled upon the Kingdom of Shanti though, right? She had a quick conversation with Madline who I didn't manage to snag a picture of. Frankly, she didn't seem all that interesting. Plus, the story of the demise of Shanti is just terrible. A 25 year war with another kingdom?! They almost lost everything! The poor poor people of Shanti. I can't imagine what they went through.

[Image: x33MJac.png]

All that is left of the people of Shanti are the roial gard and the king. My purpose starts to become clearer right before my eyes. That's why he needed people to build a castle. The Kingdom of Shanti needs help and I may just be the woman that can help do so... However, he asks two things of me. What could it possibly be?

[Image: K4Rxhd2.png]

Am I on daily? Well yeah, just about. And how are my RP skills? Uhm, let's see... They're fucking fantastic. This could be a match made in heaven. Have I passed the ultimate test? Will I become a part of something bigger than either your or I could have ever predicted? But wait, DaddyLongStrides walks in. Who is this figure and why does he say that roial gard requested him? 

[Image: 5fYAHjU.png]

I believe that he is a loyal subject of the Kingdom of Shanti. And since I passed roial gard's two question test, I get off the couch and swear allegiance to the Kingdom of Shanti. The longer I am a part of this conversation, the larger my aspirations grow. I do not just want to build castles anymore! I want to restore Shanti! No long after, roial gard asks me what I want my position to be. I... get to ... choose?!

[Image: 0tRow76.png]

Yes! I shall be the Queen of Shanti! Screw building castles, I want to live in one! However, it is not that easy everyone. Don't think I just got the respect of roial gard and DaddyLongStrides just like that. I knew I had to prove myself. I had to show them what my agenda was and what I see for the future of Shanti. There's also a problem guys. Shanti already has TWO QUEENS!

[Continued in my next post!]

Part II.

[Image: otTkf4d.png]

Not a problem at all if you ask me. We'll just stage a little "accident."  A little poison in the wine or perhaps a chandelier falls on them; there are many ways to eliminate a queen. I feel as if I start to win over DaddyLongStrides but not the person that can get me a meeting with the king -- roial gard. He is the one who I need to convince. And it starts here. All I had to do was turn to a little inspiration - Dwight Schrute from The Office.

[Image: e6lBdGd.png]

[Image: 5Yuteie.png]

[Image: vLnUFZO.png]

Yes! I get the people going! I get them what they want! roial gard can't tell me outright (It's politics baby) but he tries to signal that "I'm in." I know for a fact that I have swayed DaddyLongStrides. I know that roial gard wants peace for Shanti and I get that... But I will not stand behind idle after Shanti was destroyed in a 25 year war. They need a real leader to restore them to their rightful place.

[Image: HrSJOe7.png]

Never go hungry again? Why did I use that line again? Oh, that's right! Lion King when Scar gathers his army of hyenas. Silly me! I'm almost there, I'm almost the queen! I can almost taste it... And if it were roial gard's choice, we would already be crossing the t's and dotting the i's. Unfortunately, the decision is not his. I need a meeting with the king and I won't stop until I do.

[Image: DJlN7lw.png]

If anyone is a fan of Game of Thrones, I just went full on Cersei Lannister on their asses. They either make me the Queen of Shanti or I will forge my own kingdom, wage war against Shanti, and watch it burn into ashes. This is what women have to do if they ever want to manage a kingdom. I can't just say "Pretty please, can I be your queen?" No! I have to show them the true meaning of power and fear. I need to show them that even though I am not a man, I can manage a kingdom like a man. And what's this? A PM from the roial gard?

[Image: TZvy919.png]

I'm in, baby!

[Image: vVHpmsU.png]

You're goddamn right that I will not be denied. roial gard is a simple and yet idealistic man. He believes that we can be peaceful with the kingdom that we fought for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, massacred our people, and destroyed our castles. Is he mad?! Sure, I will bring peace between the lands. But not until I conquer them all first. As my meeting with these gentlemen ends, I ask that they keep our plot to eliminate the other queens quiet until we can put it in motion. Besides, I need to have a meeting with this king first.

[Image: nPMVpM7.png]

[Image: wh6eJnH.png]

I am still awaiting to hear a message from roial gard informing me that the king of Shanti has returned. We have a lot to discuss.

To be continued.

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  I love da smell o' DAKKA in da mornin'
Posted by: MDMA - 01-26-2016, 10:55 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (102)

<On some day of the somewhath millenium, the red Space Hulk under the apt name of "Dis 'Ulk" has entered the system of the Blueperium's home planet, immediately sending out Krash Kapsulez containing small parties throughout the zone to spread the Ork spores and set up some form of encampment around the Landaz carrying the main force. Stepping off the ramp, Wyrdgurl Azzi on her shoulder, Warboss Grubslag Mugnob lifts her six barelled improved kustom shoota with a tri-linked burna and lets out a mighty WAAAAAAGH!!! as the DAKKA thunders across the land as the lines of trukkz, Dredz and Squiggoths gathered around the area. Getting on top of a tower, she bellows> 

Lis'n up ya' gitz! Deez zoggin' 'umiez 'ave been askin' fer a stompin' a lon' timez ago! So, wez gon' be nice n' give it to 'em! WEZ GUNNA KRUMPLE 'EM ALL GOOD N' PROPPA DEN TAKE DEIR LOOTZ N' FEED DEEZ ZOGGIN' GITZ TO DA SQUIGZ! 'ERE WE GO BOYZ!!!


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  Roleplay Partner.
Posted by: Aisyah - 01-26-2016, 12:17 PM - Forum: RP - Replies (9)

I thought of being just a little selfish and post my own thread for the first time. 

I love to roleplay. Those who have been doing so with me, I hope you think I'm an awesome partner. 
I guess I wanna look for like-minded roleplayers out there who enjoys detailed roleplay. More than one liners, with intimate understanding of roles and plots and take us both to a whole new imaginative place. 

I guess I wanna be psychologically aroused? 


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