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  Real life stories
Posted by: EroticUdyr - 07-18-2016, 12:42 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

Aight, so I'm making a thread for people to share any real life stories. 
Try to share the most extraordinary ones, either the funniest or the weirdest. I'm guessing some people have a lot of stories to tell, so try to keep it to the most interesting ones. ^^

If there already exists a thread like this, please comment that quickly.

Right, so, I'ma start off by telling a story that happened in junior high. I was about 15 years old. 

In this story there are two characters I'll need to name, I'll call them Mr. Facefart and Mr. Cooldude.
Reason for the name "Mr. Facefart" was because his breath smelled of fart, I remember that very well. Mainly because he'd always come really close to your face when speaking to you. I didn't like this guy very much. This guy is also the "villain" in my story. 
Mr. Cooldude is a neutral character in this story, he was a friend of mine who had a different classroom. He's not really doing anything in this story. 

Anyways, 15 year old Erotic, his friends and Mr. Facefart are sitting in their classroom. It's lunch time and we're talking some shit. 
Erotic remembers something that happened some time back, like a week back. 5 to 7 days before. 

What happened was that young Erotic was at school and he had to take a piss, right before class started. 
He went into the men's room and there were two stalls. One was locked and the other was open. Figuring there was only one option to go with, he went with the unlocked one, obviously. He unzips his pants and starts doin what he went there for. 
Right when the piss hits the water, Erotic hears from the other stall "Erotic, is that you?". Now, Erotic didn't see who was in the other stall when he came in. Neither could the other guy see him. Erotic was confused and a bit baffled, he didn't answer the other person, he just kept on with his business. Weirded out, to say the least. 
He finished his business and, of course, the other guy had left before he was finished. He could therefore not determine who the other person was. 

This was the story Erotic told his friends, and Mr. Facefart, during lunch. The ones who heard the story were also confused, "how did he know it was you?" and "why would he open contact with you when you're in the toilet?" were the questions Erotic received after telling the story. They were all very confused. 

The next day! It's lunchtime again. Erotic, his friends and Mr. Facefart gather together again to eat and talk some more trash. 
Mr. Facefart then opens up with saying he's got a story to tell. Excited everyone tunes in, only to be weirded out. 
The story Mr. Facefart starts off by telling, is the exact same story that was told the day before. Only difference was that Mr. Facefart had swapped Erotic with himself. And remember, he told his story to the exact same people from the day before. 
Erotic confronts him and tells Mr. Facefart that he had copied the story from him, but Facefart denied that. 
"I heard this story from Mr. Cooldude" said Facefart, trying to defend the obvious thievery. 
No one said anything else, Erotic only shared some confused looks with his friends. He later met up with Cooldude and told him what had happened, asked him if he had heard the story about the creepy guy in the stalls. Of course not, Cooldude had never heard that story before.

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  I once saw an angel
Posted by: Drek - 07-17-2016, 11:01 AM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (1)

I once saw an angel ... she was disguised as devil.
Secretly she slipped out of heaven, she was headed to hell...
I stopped her...

Girl, goddes from heaven, angel, light of life, 
where crazy like this in dark guise you go, 
where the dreams you kill, where the heaven's sparks you burn...

Is death underground what you seek, why you go towards deep abysses...

Luck of heaven stop, stay here with me, say to me two-three words, 
kill the silence inside me...

She looked at me fantly and smiled, morning in my soul warmed me, the sun lit my heart.

I lied on the marble stone, felt the heavenly breath, shiny pearls in my eyes, 
for girl's love i cried...

Wait, the crazy angel said, wait and don't grieve, i'm going to the underground chambers,
towards deaf human's destruction, to pray for unfortunate souls, morning prayers to cry,
I lost peace in heaven, for goddamned human soul...

I'm looking for salvation, for mercy from the demons for a deceived human soul, 
for a sinfull earthly being...I'm looking for forgiveness, 
from the goddamned black demons, i'm giving my angelic light to the black demonic mouths,
I cannot live without love...

I looked deep inside my self, through my stormy soul, 
swallowed the sad tears for the love sufferers,
my heart started to beat...

I gave her a small human blessing, i bowed to the faithfull divine love, 
placed my hands on my chest,
looked to the sky and sang loudly

- Go and fulfill your angelic destiny... Go unfortunate angel, 
find the demons underground, give them heaven's light, 
let their demonic mouths dry, the underground love to ressurect.

Without love your light is not warm, without love your soul can't live... 
Go sister angel sufferer, save your love from the dark chambers, 
find peace in the sky, extinguish your thirst under the ground...
Love doesn't await you there, there alone without him... 
Go and bring blessing with you, prayers and human thoughts, 
let the hellish shackles break, the destinted and undestined love to be released... 
For you the dream is not calm, day and night wither, the mornings and songs are silent, 
even in heaven's feilds there is no peace for you, without love you stay alone...

Go you crazy divine being, let the words and human hopes bring you to the heart of your loved one,
and release a world for me, i want to see another morning...

I once saw an angel, she was killing her immortality, for love she sacrificed her light,
she ripped off her heart and placed it in the darkness, for salvation of her beloved human soul,
for salvation of her soul in love... Love is that, Love is the SOUL of existence...

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  I'm So Sorry*
Posted by: -J- - 07-14-2016, 11:18 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (14)

           I'm so sorry... I got caught.
      Please forgive me... I don't give a shit.
  It won't happen again... I know you're watching.
Give me one more chance... I'll make your life a living hell.

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  The clear canvas
Posted by: RP_RICK - 07-14-2016, 08:37 AM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (7)

I just met you
And I feel lost in my mind
The place and the sharing,
the spark and yearning

I just met you
And I dont know what to do
My eyes into your blue
And this smile so true

I just met you
And I just feel so close
No sense to this feeling
Yet so true and telling

I just met you
And so much to discover
Your scars, your body, your soul
All that white to be brought whole

I just met you
And I have to let you go...

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Exclamation Gaming, anyone?
Posted by: LetchkuSnow - 07-13-2016, 11:15 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (18)

Looking for people who play on xbox and have (at least one of) the following: GTA V, Elder Scrolls Online, Onigiri. Ask about games I have (I don't really have any war games or anything like that, sorry. ;( )

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Posted by: Cath - 07-13-2016, 04:49 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (3)

A cheesy poem just for your eyes. Plays this while you're reading.

I dreamed of our meeting,
Like a cloud, so soft and sweet,
A ballet of pureness and our eyes meeting.
I would approach you and your blushing cheek.

I dreamed of our embrace,
Embracing the sun as the flame of
Our love. Our path being together like pairs of lace.
I wanted that to never go off.

I dreamed of love, so powerful, 
So strong it would never reverse
Time. Able to break the universe.
I couldn't even bear it all alone.

I dreamed of you, so much
So often, so willing to die for this to happen.
I dreamed of your touch.
So wouldn't you make it real? Amen.

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Information ~Club Introduction~
Posted by: LetchkuSnow - 07-12-2016, 06:00 PM - Forum: RP - Replies (2)

Hello there!

I started a club recently, and I've been wanting to recruit other members!

Currently, we have 3 members (myself included) in the club!

If you're interested, please go here.


~Roles for the Club~

President: LetchkuDTOSnow(AislingStarr)

Vise President:

Members: BasedLord, SubbyKitty,




Comment down below if interested or message me in game (Wild West, Big Bang).

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  Sight: Unfinished
Posted by: Kyrios - 07-12-2016, 02:21 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (3)

Let me show you something beautiful,
The very reason we can see,
Long ago our ancestors were fruitful, 
But they were blind, unlike you and me.

A patch of skin became the key,
The skin reacted when light fell,
Now they could tell if light or dark it be,
This was not sight but did serve them well.

To sense a shadow in the swell,
To know a monster cloaks the sun,
Provided them a warning bell,
A signal screaming you should run.

Of all their brethren these survived,
Started down the path to having eyes.

Started down the path to having eyes,
Yet that path is long with many turns,
Our ancestors could not see the skies,
Yet no advantage nature spurns.

In some, a cup did form that earns,
A new most impressive skill,
A bevel in their flesh that turns,
The simple patch directional.

A simple change exceptional,
To know from whence the monster comes,
Gave them an edge to survival,
Of all their kin they had more sons.

Thus the struggle for life goes on,
This road to sight only just begun.

The road to sight only just begun,
Those ancient ones had far to go,
Still, they could not glimpse the sun,
Though by its light much they could know.

Changes occur in times great flow,
Adapting each generation passed,
Subtle changes as the cup does grow,
Deeper and more curved each than the last.

Who could better sense shadows cast,
Survived and flourished  spread their seed,
The deep curved cups escape danger fast,
Those born flat and shallow do not breed.

To aid these creatures in their fear,
More changes yet will still appear.

More changes yet will still appear,
The aeons pass the cup does close,
Onto the cells, the first time sear,
Images dim, faint and transpose.

This new power can expose,
The monster slow and sluggish,
It becomes easy to suppose,
Our monster becomes a side dish.

Please recall that we speak of fish,
Out in the ancestral ocean,
These fish can see and are selfish,
Vision an unrivalled notion.

Our ancestors that could just swim,
Though they can see their sight is dim.

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  Ascension Part 10: Torn
Posted by: Kyrios - 07-12-2016, 01:37 PM - Forum: Creative writing - No Replies

From this fateful meeting new seeds of hope were sown,
As they toiled together with Anelahk there was a spark,
Her courage and her diligence he couldn't let alone
Soiryk began to see her smile brightening the dark.

Axela was also on his mind, her singing like a lark,
Her dancing and her killing, a perfect work of art, 
Her open sultry glances made an offer to embark,
On a journey, he'd not take since he lost his sweetheart.

Soiryk worried if he chose that their team would fall apart,
Feelings growing stronger for each no way to choose the best,
Even as their march aimed at the emperor like a dart,
Growing love for both these women would not let him rest.

He strode with clouded mind across the darkened land,

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Information Storytime/Club(?)
Posted by: LetchkuSnow - 07-11-2016, 11:40 PM - Forum: RP - Replies (10)

I think I'll form a club for people who (can/are):

*Speak English Properly.
*Can Roleplay.
*Enjoy Storytelling/Random Discussions.
*Organize Events.
*Want To Make New Friends.
*Usually has Topics To Discuss.
*Geek Out About Anything.
*Come and Relax.
*(Bonus) Kinky/Interested In BDSM (Not Slutty)

Anyone interested? Let me know in the comments below (or Pm me. I'm usually in The West, Big Bang Server. Username LetchkuDTOSnow (Or AislingStarr, due to me possibly changing my name later). There will be a hangout spot for the club.

*A side note: Even if this game is called "MnF(Meet'n'Fuck)Club", the club i'm forming is not a get together for sex, "fun", dirty talk, or foreplay. It's suppose to be a group of people, having fun. This is not a place for lurkers.

IMPORTANT: I will barely respond if you pm me "Hi","Hey sexy", or anything of the sort."I saw your link/club" isn't going to get a good response out of me. I won't offer you to join, I don't like hinting. The best thing to say to get my attention if you're interested in this is "Hi, My name is (insert preferred name),I'm on (insert when you're on) and I'm interested in the club. Is this okay? Also, I'd like to know (insert any questions you may have, otherwise you don't need to put this part)."

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