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  New Era Fedoration [NEF]
Posted by: Jamie_SB - 10-28-2016, 09:49 PM - Forum: RP - Replies (21)

Once upon a time I met a group of people. I was new, they took me in, showed me around and after about a month I was friends with at least half the game. However with many things people move on and the group slowly dissolved.

I'm bringing it back. I see too many cold inviters, too many stalkers and frankly its annoying to just be in the presence of people who don't know that they are other people that play this game too.

So, this new group is open, this is my bio and what the group stands for "An order of gentlemen and high class ladies, people here are the best, with manners and love for all." if you want to join, then all you have to do is write [NEF] into your bio, to let like minded people know that you are in this group.

Feel free to find me in game or reply if you have any questions.

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  Curious To Know
Posted by: LetchkuSnow - 10-27-2016, 08:52 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (7)

What Type Of Program Was Used To Make MnFClub?

Anyone know how it was created? I'm dying to know.

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  Guess what it is?
Posted by: Cath - 10-24-2016, 09:00 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (8)

It's...Payback time2!

Note: I'll let this cliffhanger and if you want, I'll continue the story! But now I don't have time.

   The facility was a vast underground complex with four different levels all divided in sections with specifications. The overseer was at every section of it, and the favorite section of them all was a scientific one, one with human tests, the subjects were chosen randomly through the population of "volunteers". The chambers were all under high security and few people were allowed in the section were the inmates were kept. 
   "Everything is in order, ma'am. Nothing out of the ordinary." Said a scientific to the overseer.
   "Good, keep doing a good job. You may be promoted at the head of this section." Said the chief while looking at some documents.
   "Thank you very much, ma'am. I won't disappoint you."
   Dalit was secluded in her own room, her eyes were stuck on computer screens everywhere on the walls. She hadn't eaten nor slept for months, but even then she was looking terrific, that was one her mother's trait, she always said. She took off her helmet covering all her head, her hair fell like a waterfall on her shoulders, her black hair were slightly turning grey and her eyes were turning blank like the ones of a dead fish. Her lips weren't as pink as before but she wouldn't mind it. When one of her duplications busted in the room, her child found her thinner and in a bad mood as the mother quickly drew her weapon toward her own blood. 
   "Mother, we have a situation… one of our sisters has been localized. She's a rogue one. Permission to engage?"
   As she heard the news, Dalit put her pistol aside and decided to go to the control room to have further informations, once done, she prepared a shuttle to the earth. She was mad, and she was ready to punish. She felt betrayed by her own duplication, it was something unforgivable, Dalit thought, but she was one of a hypocrite, she had led horrific experiments and she was ok with that, blood didn't scare her and she was intrigued by it.

   "My mother hates me." Said Diana with irritation.
   "It happens, what did you do to her so that she hates you?" Asked John a bit confused as he saw his wife coming from the kitchen with a knife.
   "My mother wants to kill me because I refused to obey her." 
   "That's a bit extreme..."
   "You don't even know what she's capable of. She wants to kill me and she won't hesitate to use any means possible, she's probably on her way to find me!" She said with a worried face.
   "Calm down, it's been twenty years since we've met each other's and now your mom will come to see you?"
   "Look, I know I sound crazy, but I need to go somewhere she won't find me. And don't even think about being protected by the police, she knows the system and has sleeping agents. I'm going to my brother's house."
   "You have a brother? Where does he live?!"
   "I won't tell you, otherwise you might be in great danger."
   John sighed and rolled his eyes, he knew that the periods of the women were terrible, but not that bad. He replied that she should rest a bit, but was knocked out by surprise. The last thing he heard was a gun shot, then everything went black. When he went back to consciousness, he found himself in an hospital bed, with police officers who were ready to interrogate him, after their departure, he got the visit of a woman really strange. She had the physic of a young woman, but her hair were turning grey and her eyes were odd, something inhuman.
   "Good evening mister Smith. I have to say that I like your name, really common, almost undetectable." Said the woman in black before taking a seat next to him. "You have been hit pretty bad, I see. May I interest you in... some chips to enhance your capacity, maybe?" 
   "Who are you? Diana's sister?" Replied a confused John.
   "Call me a relative of her. Do you know where she went? Of course not, she hit you before running away. Anyway, if you have any clue, call me." She said, putting a visit card on the desk.
   "If I survive any longer. Don't you know? There's a monster running in the streets, the Dearhclaw."
   The woman laughed about it and with a calm voice she said:
   "A monster is only the interpretation of humans' fear. Monsters do not exist, or only in humans' heart. I do not fear any monster, the only one who exists is in within our heart." 
   She looked determined to do something and when he was about to say something, she left. 

   Dalit was reading some files when the shuttle arrived in destination, she jumped out of it and ran to her office to change into something more fitting for this world. She hasn't been out for almost a year, staring at computer screens and eating and drinking a few times. The base on earth was smaller but as equipped as the one on the other planet. The overseer, once dressed, took a plane to Manhattan and started an enterprise of import export, after all, she was the daughter of the Vinci family.
   "Sir, I'm requesting your help to buy a huge truck depot.", said a Dalit wearing a black suit.
   "Who are you?!", said a man surprised to see a woman in his bureau without any warning.
   "Who am I? Vinci is my name, and money is what I have. Now, I'm asking your help to buy a truck depot."
   "Sure… but why? Why me of all people?"
   "Because you're the only person who has the things I'm requiring, a depot, some warehouses, and much more."
   For some reasons, he accepted to help her, she kept her promise. After a few years, she became powerful enough to start to raise a good reputation in an international scale. Her own head quarter was relocated in China, she didn't want any suspicion from the American government because of her willingness to sell weapons to the Middle East. 

   "Ursion inc.? I've heard about it. It's an import/export corporation which has financed some humanitarian projects. Why do you ask?", said the colleague before turning to John after making his research.
   The detective was trying to find out who was miss Vinci, but there weren't much clue about who she is, where she comes from and so on. When he got home, he was surprised to see armed people guarding the house, he was tempted to call the police, but the woman with odd eyes appeared in front of him, her straight face got him disturbed as she was holding a picture of him and his wife.
   "Do you need something?" She asked naturally.
   "What are you doing here? And why are there armed men in my house? It's a violation of my intimacy!"
   "Actually, not really. I've proposed my help to the police. And I've get to do what I think is good, I only have to respond to my acts if I did something wrong."
   "Think what you want, your race is doomed anyway." She said, being a bit harsh.
   She turned to her men and they left the house calmly. Once the mercenary force was gone, Diana came out of a trap door. She was really scared.
   "What did She say?! Did she threatened you? My goodness! I really thought she found me! Why did she come here anyway?"
   John found the same person he met so many years ago, an inquisitive young woman, a bit scared and a bit energetic at the same time. That same night, he rediscovered his wife in many ways and was pleased about that. 

   "Here's the situation, the Valeria family has taken over this part of the region without my consent. They're going to be punished. I need the 174th division of armored vehicles go there and the 744th legion of heavy infantry to guard this region here. I will end my turn and they will make their move, if they enter the range of our artillery, we'll open fire with high explosive shells. It'll damage them enough, reduce their moral and weaken their advance. Sounds good?"

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  Is this the end?
Posted by: Vrook - 10-23-2016, 05:20 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (8)

And there he stood;
In that first day,
When he's chosen 'bout his way;

Shy at first, with his first step;
Looking left and right for help;
Searching here and searching there,
Hoping that he won't despair.

And really soon, he realised,
What he wants, what does he thrive
And what he truly hopes to find.

Slowly, surely, his shell broke;
As his eyes from the dark awoke,
When around him, they arrived,
People, which he cared about.

But, as always, with good things,
Knowing what the future brings,
Thoughts of torment start to form,
Bringing him afar from home.

So there he found himself, apart;
From what he loved and cared and had
The only question in his mind;
"Is this the end?", or a fresh start?

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  Announcement for Halloween Bash Contest
Posted by: Hana - 10-23-2016, 10:03 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (4)

Announcement for Halloween Bash Contest

Halloween is coming soon and we can’t wait to see the incredible costumes/characters that you’ve cooked up, so grab your mask or your broom and don’t forget to participate in our Halloween Bash costume contest! We are looking for the scariest, the funniest and the most resourceful halloween costumes/characters out there.
We are calling all ghosts and creatures of the night! So creep, float or crawl on over to our Halloween Costume Party! Enter our costume contest for a chance to win some a fabulous prizes!
Upcoming Theme – Strip for me baby!
Halloween Bash Competitor Rules
Any characters are welcome. Contestants are free to choose any fictional characters from movies, TV series, video games, anime and books.
Competitors will stand in the left side of the Bar waiting for their turn, then walk under the sign and  introduce themselves briefly (personal preference).
Competitors may tell a brief description on the character they role play or where the idea of this costume/character came from.
Contastants will be judged by the following:
Overall appearance including complexion, skin tone, hair style and overall presentation
Ability to display the character and style (attention is focused on the confidence with which each contestant carries).
Entries will be separated into two categories: prem and non prem.
Prizes in both categories will be the following:
1st place 10k
2nd place 6k
3rd place 4k
The winners will be invited to a VIP room after the show. Prizes will be given to the winner of each category on the pole or rodeo.

The undertaking will begin promotly at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday October 29th
Location: Tight Lipped, Wild West
Your ghosts: HANDAAR

[Image: fRRipRc.jpg]

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  Googling Myself
Posted by: Sasso - 10-21-2016, 07:28 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (21)

Someone messaged me and said that my name seems arabic. 
My name I made up and the name Sosso was already taken. Turns out although that Sasso means stone in Italian, that's kind of cool, but now lots of guys think I'm Italian.
But out of curiosity to see if my name meant anything else, I tried googling it.

Here's my new game. Google your name, then copy paste the first result you get here!

Here's mine- http://sasso.co.nz/

This restaurant is actually a 3 hour drive away from where I live, and restaurants in Queenstown are REALLY good (Queenstwon is basically a massive tourist trap)

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  Memories from the Future Chapter 5
Posted by: Sylviekat - 10-20-2016, 06:00 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (10)

Link to previous chapter 

Well finally done with super insane work period, feast or famine time.  So now in a big lull so can continue with the Adventures of Lady Cyntihia Foster-Parker.  

This chapter is a bit slower paced as she get's a garrison duty, and some of the less savory elements of aristocratic politics come into play.  First part of chapter 5 will be posted before Saturday.

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Posted by: Vrook - 10-20-2016, 05:16 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (14)

Clouding my sight that day,
When I saw you turning away.

I thought, that's it.
The time has come
For me to be again,
A whole, an one!

The moment I saw you
It grew in my heart,
That feeling of joy, 
Of happiness, of trust.

And there I was,
Standing proud by your side;
Till that last moment,
When you told me, goodbye!

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  A chance...
Posted by: Altaria - 10-20-2016, 04:10 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (4)

This is an old piece of mine that I just found going through some old notebooks, I was like 13 or 14 when I wrote this one.

Do I really have a chance?
Can I really take the first step?

I don't know anything of this
But I won't give up

Don't know what you think
And that is making me go crazy

I just need you to give me a chance
So I can prove to you
That I can make you happy

I don't want to hurt you
Don't want to make you feel alone

I just want to hold you
Protect you, take care of you
To warm you in those cold nights

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  Uma mulher em plena floração (a tribute in English)
Posted by: IvanXLIV - 10-19-2016, 10:38 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (7)

Hello my friends,

This poem was written in a single afternoon, but the subject matter had been tossing and turning in my mind for a good while now. I wanted to pay homage to a very special lady, beloved by all, and one of the most important member of our online community... here's to you, Tania.

Uma mulher em plena floração
The ashes of her fiery rebirth glittering
Like stardust sown across the night sky’s velvet cloth,
She walks the Land anew, unfettered, and from troth
Delivered, standing tall and proud, freely blooming
With sparkling, colorful mien and heady fragrance
Laden with subtle hints of passion and romance;
     Lo! Here she comes, a senhora renascida,
     Stunningly beautiful in her simplicity,
     Beloved pillar of our unique community,
     A flower by any other name: miss Tania!
Reborn through the slow, painful ordeal of broken
Promises, betrayed yet faithful to the very last,
She endured, rising over the ruins of the past
Like the radiant orb of the morning sun, woken
From darkened dreams shackling her creativity,
Now free to express her newfound sensitivity;
     Lo! Here she is, uma dona magnífica,
     True daughter of Lusitanian nobility,
     Alluring queen of seductive maturity,
     Alma indomável... simplesmente Tania!


P.S. I fervently hope my timid attempt to employ a few Portuguese words was done correctly; I apologize in advance to the whole Portuguese-speaking community for any grammatical errors and/or nonsensical use of certain terms.... desculpai !

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