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Star Revamped Customisation System discussion
Posted by: Joabna_Smith_Old - 05-09-2017, 01:34 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (11)

So i have this idea. I have mentioned it before in the suggestion thread and to people in game and i always get a very positive reaction, but then the discussion dies out again. So i thought i should maybe make a new thread to talk about it in a bit more detail.

As the title sugest i have a dream about a slightly changed clothing system.
Right now we can all pick a hat, glasses and our entire outfit.
Matching hats and glasses with our outfit gives us some customisation in our look, but i think we can do better.

My suggestion is we take the Outfit part of the menu, and devide it into shoes, legs, top and Accesoiries.

shoes, legs and top would function the same as always, pick one you want to wear and done. Accesoiries can be all kinds of the litle extras that now are included in an outfit, like the cat tail for the furry outfit, the axe from the barbarian, or the shiny jewelry from the oasis outfit. Accesoiries would function differently in this new system by allowing you to wear multiple, adding new special parts to your ensemble.

I think this would give us TONS more variations of outfits, even for non premium users to a lesser extent.

you could wear jeans with a bikini top for a bad ass bitch look. Or maybe you as a guy want to look stylish in your suit jacket, and complete the outfit with a much more casual jeans for a more relaxed but nice look. Maybe you want to wear your furry legs and tail with some other outfit to display your love for neko ladies! Or add fancy gloves to your evening dress! Possibilities galore!

I honestly think this would make people start fine tuning their apearance more, even giving room for better rp's when peoples outfit matches the story.

EXTRA: Maybe we could do the same for hair? letting us pick the ''front'' of the haircut as well as the ''back'' (thats how the artwork works i think, correct me if im wrong talented peeps!), it might be a bit more painfull to add to the sex animations, but again, gives us more ways to make ourselfs look different and apealing! bonus point for letting us colour the front and back seperately for highlights  Angel

What do y'all think? would this make you care more about spending cash on clothes? Enhance your rp or even your self image? What are some of the combinations you would try out? Let your imagination fly in this picture of a better world!

(first thread, did i do good?  Big Grin )

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Star Position Recycling Discussion
Posted by: DarkFutaQueen - 05-08-2017, 07:22 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (15)

So it’s been mentioned a bunch of times that recycling gender-specific poses for all genders would be a cheap and easy way to add a bunch to the game in a very short amount of time. Someone mentioned in a thread that someone should get a list of all positions so we can discuss which ones seem viable to be recycled for both genders. I decided to be that person, and here is that list. (I did not include 3-some positions, that's a different discussion.)

Asterisk (*) indicates Premium Position
Male Poses
Pearly Gates - This could be a MF pose.
Doggy Style
Pirate’s Bounty
Climbing The Tree*
Full Nelson*
Pile Driver*
Muff Diving* - This can, and should be, a FF pose.
Oksana Blowjob - This should be a Male controlled MF pose.

- Any of these could also be a MM pose. Imagine how happy the gay community would be with that many ways to pack fudge XD
- As has been mentioned, these could also be Female controlled poses for women with strapons or futas.

Female Poses
Oral Therapy - Could be a MM pose, or at least the inspiration for one.
Get On Top*
Reverse Cowgirl*
Sixty-Nine* - Same thing as Muff Dive, no reason this isn't a FF pose.

- Any of these could be Male poses (except boobjob and scissoring) and even MM.

On a similar note, its obvious from this list that Female Controlled poses are needing to be bolstered, especially seeing as all 3 of the 3-Some poses are Male controlled. If Futanaris are ever going to be a part of this game, these poses will have to be fixed to work both ways.

Share your thoughts, these are just mine, I am sure there is something I missed.

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  Recommended Mini-Games to add
Posted by: AllyFucky - 05-06-2017, 08:12 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

I haven't seen any discussions about anybody having recommendations about adding more mini games to the game there has been conversations I heard about adding more casino games such as roulette well, card games, and dice games. But I thought it would be neat to have memory games and something like chess with sexy pieces.

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  Poll: Male bondage harness !
Posted by: carnacien - 05-04-2017, 08:29 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (12)

So how many people wanna have a male bondage outfit here?

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  futa poll
Posted by: W1LL - 05-01-2017, 07:54 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (61)

Hi everyone I'm back with another poll (not sure if this has been done or not), but should futa's be a part of the game. I know it's popular, but just want to see via vote just how popular it is.

the poll will be open for 182 days (6 months)

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  [Need Help]Getting a high resolution shot of a avatar
Posted by: magergxd - 05-01-2017, 06:35 AM - Forum: Drawings, designs and beautiful art - Replies (5)

So I wanted to work on a nude character and tried various ways to obtain a high resolution shot. My best shot was changing my screen orientation to portrait and then custom zooming on my chrome browser to about 236% zoom and screenshot it via printscreen. 
I wanted a even better better shot so looked around for full page capture programs that I use to take shot at 500%+ zoom. However,due to the nature of the programs that i've found thus far, they all take multiple screen shots via auto scrolling down the page and then compile them together. The problem with this is that the avatar moves so taking separate shots just creates a horrible picture. 

So here's my questions:
1)Has anyone found a way to get a hi res shot of their avatar? If so, how?
2)In theory, taking screenshots in bits and compiling them into one would have worked if not for the animation, so is there a way to "pause/freeze" the window so I can get a clear shot?
3)Do you have a good full screen capture program that doesn't take multiples shots, but take one whole screen shot?
4) The reason I can only zoom to 236% is because, anymore and the window itself cuts it off and there's no way to side scroll. Is there a way to deal with this?Like enable horizontal scrolling when zoomed in or control where I'm zooming? I mean I would have thought this was a thing already, but guess not.

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  Has anyone gone to the casino recently?
Posted by: magergxd - 05-01-2017, 12:23 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (22)

So after the whole new accounts start with $0, I decided to head to the casino to try my luck since it seemed to have pretty decent rates during initially release. However, I literally just spent roughly $4-7k (if not more) of $50 spins.  I feels the rates seemed "nerfed"? the bells and up were always pure luck, but I remember getting triple watermelon at a somewhat consistent rate. With the occasional triple bell. Now all I get is every everything in the first 3 tiers. Now I terms of net gain, I've only lost like $400 because I would lose some and then get some so I'm pretty much not going anywhere in terms of wealth lol.

Sorry if this sounds like a brag/rant thread. I just want some input from anyone that may have decided to play slots recently and noticed a change in rates

Update: I stopped after about $15-18k of $50 spins with a net loss of about 1-2k . I managed to get one triple bell on a $25 spin near the end.

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Heart Taking my leave
Posted by: Altaria - 04-29-2017, 09:44 AM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (4)

Hello everyone. Well I haven't been here in a while and now I will leave the game for good. I've made some good, great friends here, had amazing experiences and new discoveries but it's time to go on another adventure. I was thinking to have a party, maybe next saturday so that I can properly say my goodbyes and thank yous (<----- sorry for the english on that word xD, an old joke never dies I guess eheh). I'm good, great even. Well before all that I'll leave here one final poem, as a token of apreciation for all the good people I met in game and in this forum.

Hello my friends
My heroes and princesses
My darlings and lionesses
Thanks for the teachings
The welcoming embraces
The forever smiley faces

It has been a wonderful journey
Of self discovery and fullfilment
Of making and shaping amazing relationships

To those who knew me
Thank you for the kind words
To those who lived it with me
Thank you for the life experience
To those who I loved
Thank you for showing me your heart

I'm taking the backstage now
Leaving this place so another may come
For all that
I'll always be around

Once again, thank you all for your words. I'm going on an adventure, so keep living yours to the fullest.

This was Altaria, M'lady Cotton Dragon, the fluffy fiery cloud magic winged lady Heart   Heart   Heart

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  changing email/password
Posted by: carnacien - 04-18-2017, 08:02 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (5)

I was wondering if it s possible to change the logs for a game account (not forum). If so, how?

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  Economy balance discussion
Posted by: carnacien - 04-16-2017, 07:14 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (288)

So i took a bit of time here to make sure: it seems making 1 k on rodeo takes about 25 minutes. Pretty sure its the fastest way (and even stripping might not be as profitable as its been now that money is hard to come by, so i wont even make the m/f distinction)

So 5 k for 5$ doesnt seem too bad anymore, now that u did prevent alt farming.

But i d say there are still 2 problems:
- room price suddenly seems too high to me, it should at least be halved, because it shoudnt be an issue to get a room in a sex game. 
(-same for clothes prices)
- existing money is just ridiculous compared to what pple can make now. It should be divided and/or capped.

Any thoughts?

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