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  Moderators, and what you (always) wanted to know about them
Posted by: Willy_for_Boobies - 02-28-2018, 04:27 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (83)

Meanwhile we have a long history of in game and forum moderators. (Just could greet Vrook and AllyStark in game and saw their new mod sign ;-))
I think it would be nice to have (here perhaps) a place where people can get informations about our moderators.
Some informations like:
 - People who are (actually) moderator
 - Abilities and rights of a forum moderator
 - Abilities and rights of an in game moderator
 - Perhaps an “introduce yourself post” here from the moderators, with some information they would like to give us, like preferred server and /or place, where to find usually, regulary or randomly online,

Following list is my state of knowledge  at this moment  (10/03/2018)   ;-))

From the FAQ thread written by Emmie:
Who are the current moderators, and how do I contact them?
The following are currently moderators in the game:
AllyBratBADGURLBOLD_EAGLEClementineElizabeth_GrayEmmieKumoriMrKianSpade (trial) and Vrook.
The following are currently moderators on the forum:
CathEmmieJCF and Vrook.

To contact a forum moderator, simply click our names here and you will be directed to the PM page for EmmieJCFCath and Vrook.
And if you want to reach the in-game moderators on the forum, you have Emmie and Vrook.
If you want contact support instead, go HERE and send an email to the specified adress.
Moderators you can't reach on the forum are Kumori, BADGURL, AllyBrat, Elizabeth_Gray, BOLD_EAGLE, Clementine and MrKianSpade (trial).

How are moderators chosen/recruited?
We look for integrity, language skills, social competence, keen eyes and as little bias as possible when we look for a new moderator. Then we look into their history on MNF, what we know and can find. And based on all of that, we choose whether we want to let them try out for moderator or not.

From Emmie's FAQ post i took this information too:

We have color coded members on this forum so you can tell what they are:
[*]Pink means they're an in-game moderator, 
[*]Teal means they're a forum moderator (though a forum moderator could be an in-game moderator as well. The reason in-game moderators are sepperated from forum moderators is cause in-game moderators can't help you with forum issues). 
[*]And green means it's an administrator.

Other Forum member colours
[*]White means it's a member who's yet to go past the 20 posts. 
[*]Yellow means they're past that and are trusted not to be bots.

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  Male Clothing Survey - Artist needed
Posted by: Overfiend - 02-27-2018, 01:58 PM - Forum: Drawings, designs and beautiful art - Replies (3)

Hello Artists, 

I will be running a Male Clothing poll in the Feedback thread this coming Friday March 2, 2018.  Here is a list of male clothing ideas that will be voted on.  Feel free to draw up any of the ideas on the list and post your images in the Feedback thread - http://www.mnfclub.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1710
Some images have already been contributed by other artists but similar images are welcomed to provide an alternative perspective. 
This is a great way to get some mass exposure for your beautiful artwork.

1. Nude bow tie - no shirt or pants just a bow tie. It could be around the neck or the dick. 
2. Male Playboy robe 
3. Firefighter 
4. Male monokini by Willy_for_Boobies 
5. Cowboy boots with open crotch & cowboy vest to go with cowboy hat by Willy_for_Boobies 
6. King or Pharaoh outfit 
7. Captain Fighter Pilot - with golden rings around the arms
8. Captain Navy or Marines sailor - with golden rings around the arms
9. Male nude body painting 
10. Male wizard
11. Male doctor
12. Jeans with bare chest, open jacket & sneakers. also another version with neck chains & studded wrist bracelets.
13. british gentlements outfit: A tweet-jacket with patches on the arms, and some knickerbockers, a Sherlock-Holmes cap with a pipe, or a Bowler-hat. An umbrella or a cane as an accessory.
14. Race car driver 
15. Soccer-player
16. Superhero by Lady Alexa 
17. Sarong by Willy_for_Boobies 
18. Latex/Rubber by Willy_for_Boobies 
19. Netshirt by Willy_for_Boobies
20. Male Farmer

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  Oh Spring
Posted by: Fernins - 02-23-2018, 03:21 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (1)

Hm, Spring
Spring is about to come, about to blossom and sing
About to bring its unique colors
Its breath of fresh air
Its wonderful rush of bright feelings

A bird, it comes resting in a window sill
Chirping, giving tiny jumps
Showing off to any who are watching
And giving a beautiful show to us all

The wind, it blows gently with tiny scents of orchids and strawberries
Leaving those who feel it, want more
Feeling relaxed and with hope for tomorrow

Ah, Spring
So many hearts you touch
So many souls you move
And without saying a word
You make us want more

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  Male clothing - Survey
Posted by: Overfiend - 02-20-2018, 01:26 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (20)

Hello all,

The purpose of this thread is to survey male clothing ideas to include in a male clothing poll(s) that we'll run soon. So far here is a list of possibilities. Let's hear your ideas for male clothing. I'll add to the list as they come along.

1. Nude bow tie - no shirt or pants just a bow tie. It could be around the neck or the dick. 
2. Male Playboy robe 
3. Firefighter 
4. Male monokini by Willy_for_Boobies (see page 2 for image)
5. Cowboy boots with open crotch & cowboy vest to go with cowboy hat by Willy_for_Boobies (see page 2 for image)
6. King or Pharaoh outfit 
7. Captain Fighter Pilot - with golden rings around the arms
8. Captain Navy or Marines sailor - with golden rings around the arms
9. Male nude body painting 
10. Male wizard
11. Male doctor
12. Jeans with bare chest, open jacket & sneakers. also another version with neck chains & studded wrist bracelets.
13. british gentlements outfit: A tweet-jacket with patches on the arms, and some knickerbockers, a Sherlock-Holmes cap with a pipe, or a Bowler-hat. An umbrella or a cane as an accessory.
14. Race car driver 
15. Soccer-player
16. Superhero by Lady Alexa (see page 2 for image)
17. Sarong by Willy_for_Boobies (see page 2 for image)
18. Latex/Rubber by Willy_for_Boobies (see page 2 for image)
19. Netshirt by Willy_for_Boobies (see page 2 for image)
20. Male Farmer

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Posted by: Cath - 02-19-2018, 10:28 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (2)

As I saw you for the first time,
I was anxious, I was annoyed...
You're still here, even in this rhym.
You were even there, before Pink Floyd!

But when I was a kid, I thought you were mine,
You were infinite, yet a simple design.
As I grew older,
You seemed closer.

I love you, yet I don't...
I want more of you, yet I won't...
The only way to watch you,
Is by forgetting you...

You're the time.

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  Paper Plain
Posted by: Simple Tania - 02-18-2018, 10:56 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (4)

Hi dears, long time... been busy, slowly returning, be patient...
Big kiss

Hun, the world breaks your dreams
Fading them in whitewater streams
I hold the rowing for you
I become a lagoon for you
Hun, the world leaves you freezing
Turning into a gray so displeasing
I mingle all colors for you
I become a rainbow for you
Hun, the world takes your breath
Weaving a sordid dance of death
I steady the pace for you
I become a breeze for you
Hun, the world made you mature
Walking by that garth so impure
I break the strings for you
I become sanctuary for you
So, I wrote you a love letter
And sent it in a paper plain
For us to fly far away
When the world is cruel
And there isn’t enough room for pain!

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  Flappy Petnis Mini-game poll
Posted by: Overfiend - 02-16-2018, 08:46 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (20)

Hello all,

Many of us have tried the new Flappy Petnis Mini-game.  Well here's your chance to provide some constructive feedback in a poll.  Feel free to discuss it in the thread below.  The poll will run for 2weeks & will be respectfully shared with the devs once completed.

I have received confirmation that the Devs have received and appreciate our latest sex pose poll. While I do believe they will appreciate the feedback provided here, Keep in mind that as the owners of the game they reserve the right to make all final decisions about what gets implemented. Therefore please remember that is poll is a means to communicate with the Devs. It does not guarantee that the Devs will implement what is voted for here. Nevertheless our ability to communicate clearly and collectively will only improve the relationship between us as players and the Devs. 

Thanks for your participation

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  The Cortez sisters' misadventures
Posted by: Cath - 02-13-2018, 07:58 PM - Forum: Creative writing - Replies (3)

Well, I've written something...

   It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the wind was almost nonexistent and so were the clouds in the skies. Despite the nice weather, a young lady wasn't pleased. Her little sister had dragged her into one of her plans, again. The young couple were leaving the airport from where they had landed an hour ago, the Cortez sisters were a cocktail of culture as they were Asians who spoke French and they had Latin first names with American blood. The older one was wearing dark winter clothes and the other wore a white jacket and tight jeans.
   They rented a car and drove to their acquaintances' villa in the middle of nowhere. The younger one was driving while the other was checking the functionalities of the car. After sometime, they got lost. Without a GPS, they drove around to find some landmarks to help them localize themselves. After twenty minutes, they finally found their way and arrived at their acquaintances' house. These people were an old couple who welcomed the ladies with a hug and three kisses on the cheeks. The grandmother treated the youngsters like her own daughters and helped them settle down. In some way, they were like daughters as the mature woman saw them grow up since they were children. But the woman of the house told them that she hasn't been able to buy tickets for the football match, the only reason why the Asian girls came here. The older sister was more than disappointed as she didn't want to come in the first place. Instead, the group saw the match on a big screen in a cafe nearby. The match was late in the evening and so they came back even later.
The Cortez sisters were sleeping in a studio in the villa of their acquaintances, both had a separate bedroom and bathroom but since it was cold and there was not enough hot water, the siblings had to bath together. The older stared at her sister's breast, they had the same cup, which bothered her as she was three years older.
The next day was a bit different. In the morning, they had a breakfast with the old couple then they all went to a temporary market on a port. The younger sister had the smart idea to wear something light as the sun was hot, really hot. The older one was in dark clothes and was struggling to not faint from the heat. At noon, they decided to eat in a restaurant on the small port, the facility was full of clients, and most were locals. The old couple noticed that the plates were taking an absurd amount of time to come. There was actually some internal drama in the staff and the man who was grilling the fishes mixed the orders to annoy the waiter who was struggling with the amount of clients. After the meal, the group tipped the poor waiter who was in his sixties, handsomely. 
After walking in the nearby city to digest, the group walked back to the car to come back to the villa. The older Cortez felt a refreshing wind on her face, she closed her eyes. She heard the wind in the palm trees and felt the warmth of the sun. The only thing she wanted to do at that moment was to lay naked on a long chair, feeling the sunlight on her brownish skin, feeling the wind on her short hair and pubes, having her tits harden because of the fresh wind. That thought made her horny and her tits started to harden. Then she realized that her sister was starring.
In the evening, the group went to listen to some fado in a small restaurant. The dishes were delicious but the Cortez felt a bit sleepy after some wine. The old couple noticed that the siblings tried hard to not fall asleep and after some songs, they left. The younger sister fell asleep in the car while the other struggled to stay awake but every time she blinked, they were in different places: a highway, a small village, a dirt road. Before falling asleep, they stopped in the middle of the road. When the siblings woke up, they were back at the villa. They mechanically went to their studio, bathed together and then fell asleep in their own bed.
The siblings had a hard time to wake up but they were glad that they could rest until the evening. The younger sister stayed to talk with the grandma while the other said she would go upstairs and study in the studio. The older one opened the laptop, connected to the Wi-Fi and entered the magic word and tried to find something to release the pressure of the past few days but the Wi-Fi signal was weak thus she had to wait longer to get something even in poor quality. She couldn't reach her limit in time and had to get dressed as her sister came back in the studio. The evening event was depressing for the older sister, she wasn't really a party goer like her sister. The carnival party was really nice, people of all ages came to dance and to consume food and drinks, all profits were for charity.
The party started nicely as older Cortez saw a cute woman at the table of the group, but with the language barrier it would have been hard to communicate, especially with the loud music. The girl wasn't interested in the Cortez but she was hypnotized by the phone in her hand. After some time, she left for a rendezvous. While the young sister was having a blast as she was dancing with the grandma, the older sister was drowning her sorrow in wine and starring at people's nice butt, again. Without realizing it, her free hand slid toward her crotch. When she noticed it, she went to the toilets and met women dressed as men and men dressed as women. She was so confused that she went to the men's bathroom. When she came back, an old lady was speaking to the grandma who turned to Cortez.
   "She gave me this but I won't use it. Here, take this." The grandma said as she put something in the older sister's hand.
   The young woman opened her hand and found a condom in it, a bit embarrassed and confused she replied.
   "Well, I'll use it later." The woman said before putting the condom in her jacket.
Back at the airport, the Cortez sisters had to go through the security checkpoint. As usual, the older sister opened the baggage with the laptop in it and found her teddy bear. The other sibling had put the stuffed animal in the "electronic device baggage" by mistake. After walking through the security gate, the young sister came to the other.
   "Aren't you embarrassed that they saw your teddy?" The younger one said, slightly worried.
   "I'm not, they also saw the condom in my jacket."
The end~

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  save your apartment designs?
Posted by: Willy_for_Boobies - 02-06-2018, 09:52 PM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (52)

As i was told, there seem to be a lot of apartment designs (here or in game) that were used or sold without permission of the designer / creator / owner.

 . How do you see it, what is your opinion?
 . Is it a problem?
 . and when it is, how to solve it?

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  Report system and Feedback
Posted by: Maddisin - 01-28-2018, 04:12 AM - Forum: Feedback, Miscellaneous & Help - Replies (2)


Users are actively encouraged to use the report system so that moderators can review and action as they deem necessary. When a report is declined, is there a way to get feedback as to why? I've been the subject of targeted harassment a few times and reports were getting declined repeatedly. I reached out on here to Emmie who calmed me down and the user disappeared for almost a month (unsure what action was taken). User has returned and I submitted a report as they begun shower jumping me constantly yet the report got declined. Funnily enough I got reported and warned for shower jumping someone once accidentally. Seems inconsistent. Can someone explain the process of how reports are reviewed?

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